Dale Aitcheson

Tahir Akar

Simon Appleby

Ian Atkins

bob bhania

Bob Bhania

Roy Birch

Darren Bolt

Keith Bruce

Chris Bunnett


Mac Callender

Howard Cleaton

Gordon Cole

John Day

Steve Desmond

Pic_Ref - Chris DODDS

Chris Dodds

Marianne Dodds

Keith Dwan

Pic_Ref - Steve ELLIS

Steve Ellis

Mark Ennis

Harry Errington

Barry Fenwick

Ref - Steve FERRIS

Steve Ferris

Steve Field

Piotr Florecki

Colin Gerrard

Steve Gotleb

Neil Guthrie

Legendary British Referee - Roger Harrison

Roger Harrison

Malcolm Heath

Rob Hickman

Peter Horn

Mick Howell

Rob Iliffe

Peter Jaques

Ref - Hadyn JONES

Hayden Jones

Referee Richard Jones

Richard Jones

Wil Jones

Wil Jones

Harry Keates

Christine Knowles

Peter Knowles

Marcin Kostrzynski


  Comments: 20

  1. Andrew Carey

    How about Wil Jones, Colin Gerrard, Richard Pierce, Trevor Pountain, Gordon Cole, Andy Thackray, Noël Malone, Peter Jaques. If I think of any more I’ll let you know.

  2. Humphrey Long

    Harry Keats, Harry Errington, Peter Horn, Syd Lipski and Nick Stonnard.

    • Hello again Humph
      A long time since we met and we are both older.
      I still live in Blackpool and have fond memories of the times we met and enjoyed the game
      Hope u are well and enjoying your retirement
      Frank Hessey

  3. Andrew Smith, Graham Shaw, Mariann Dodds Miklosik, Iain Macdonald, John Day, Ali Maddock,

  4. Elaine Anderson

    Dave Turner, Ed Simons, ? Latham, Nick Stonnard

  5. Elaine Anderson

    Martin Lewis

  6. Roger Harrison

    Hi mike Roger is not on fb can you contact him via email cheers Di

  7. Shona Harnett

    Chris Mills, Nik Bedwell, Ian Atkins, Tahir Akar, John Letizia, George Makaronidis, Pawel Urbanski, Piotr Florecki, Marcin Kostrzynski.

  8. Dave Turner No.1

  9. Gavin Lewis

  10. Chris Bunnett

  11. dave marshall

    Chris Mills

  12. Shona Harnett

    Ian Green

  13. David Swaine

    Loved your article Mike – Roger Harrison must be the best for me – Have watched him over 25 years now. Had the pleasure to see him a couple of times this year – At Leicester he was excellent yet again (although our team lost).

    Roger and Alan Richardson were a great team!

    Sadly it seems to me that too many of the younger refs/umps are really struggling to keep up!!! Hope this finds you fit and well

    Best Regards David Swaine.

  14. Ian Gleghorn

  15. Juan Bordon

    Juan Bordon
    Rick Hines

  16. Ahem, I was Grade One contemporary of Trevor Pountain, Bob Andrews, Nick Stonnard, Peter Jaques, Harry Keats etc, officiating National League and Philips Tournament matches.
    All the best.

  17. Together with Richard Pearce I was a FIBA and BBL referee

  18. Peter Wright

    Hi there, I was a BBL and FIBA referee – qualified with Mike Howell and Chris Knowles. Refereed 1988 Cup final Kingston v BCP (Brunel Crystal Palace) with Colin Gerrard.

  19. I might need to be on the list 🤔 🤣 think I did over 700 games

Responses to Elaine Anderson

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