Sean Bell of the Chester Jets from back in the day.
Olu Babalola
Sheffield Sharks
Marko Backovic
Sheffield Sharks
Andrew Bailey
Devan Bailey
Cheshire Phoenix
Marcus Bailey
Everton Tigers
Kirk Baker
Manchester Giants
Ronnie Baker
Manchester Giants
Stedroy Baker
Birmingham Bullets
Paul Bale
Birmingham Bullets
Steve Ball
Crystal Palace
Mo Ballad
Leicester Riders
Tony Balogun
Plymouth Raiders
Bryan Balser
Hemel Hempstead
James Bamfield
Cheshire Jets
Alan Bannister
Cheshire Jets
John Barber
Sheffield Sharks
Colby Bargeman
Worthing Thunder
Adam Barnes
Drew Barrett
Leicester Riders
Chris Bart-Williams
London Towers
Ben Baum
London Leopards
DeAntoine Beasley
Plymouth Raiders
Kwbana Beckles
Plymouth Raiders
Cliff Bell
Sean Bell
Chester Jets
Mike Bennett
Manchester Giants
Clive Bent
Birmingham Bullets
Tamir Berkovitch
London Towers
Mike Bernard
Manchester Giants
Tyler Bernardini
Leicester Riders
Ted Berry
Derby Storm
Gavin Bethel
Newcastle Eagles
Daryl Bethune
Leeds Force
Mick Bett
Sutton & Crystal Palace
Ralph Binos
Sheffield Sharks
Brodie Bishop
Plymouth Raiders
Kevin Bishop
Ralph Blalock
Newcastle Eagles
Micha Blunt
Manchester United
Broderic Bobb
Milton Keynes Lions
Paul Bowden
Birmingham Bullets
Oladeji Bolaris
Jeff Bonds
Sheffield Sharks
Steve Bontrager
Crystal Palace
JaRon Boone
Leicester Riders
Waymon Boone
Plymouth Raiders
Jonathan Bow
Edinburgh Rocks
Steve Bowden
Bracknell Pirates
Flinder Boyd
Leicester Riders
Mark Bradbury
Stephen Bradley
Everton Tigers
James Brame
Worthing Bears
George Branch
Birmingham Bullets
Phil Brandreth
Cheshire Jets
Sam Branch
Jim Brandon
Brandon Brantley
London Leopards
Andrew Bridge
Newcastle Eagles
Julian Brightley
London Leopards
Pemble Bristol
Thames Valley Tigers
Tom Broderick
Vince Brookins
Manchester Giants
T Brooks
Chris Brown
Guildford Heat
Dave Brown
Solent Stars
Johnny Brown
Solent Stars
Karl Brown
Leicester Riders
Marshall Brown
Sheffield Sharks
Michael Brown
Manchester Giants
Rod Brown
London Leopards
Terrell Brown
Milton Keynes Lions
Will Brown
Manchester United
Edward Brownell
Sheffield Sharks
George Brownell
Sheffield Sharks
Nick Browning
Chester Jets
Steve Bucknall
London Towers
Jan Budin
London Towers
Greg Bunch
Johnny Bunyan
Glasgow Rocks
Keith Bunyan
Edinburgh Rocks
Jamie Burchell
Plymouth Raiders
Paul Burke
London Leopards
Eric Burks
London Leopards
Cairn Burns
Watford Royals
Nick Burns
Solent Stars
Joel Burns
Watford Royals
Caleb Butler
Everton Tigers
Dave Butler
Alton Byrd
If you know of players I am missing, and there are thousands, then please drop me your list by e-mail, including the teams played for. I will be delighted to include them.
Further, if you are a player who has played in the BBL even for just 1 game, then please let me know.
Steve Bingham
16 February 2015 at 00:49
Hello there, one of the best shooting centres I ever saw was ED BONA who played with Will Brown for a couple of seasons in the 80s at Manchester United.
Darren Pope
17 February 2016 at 08:51
Tom Brodrick played for Kingston in the 1984/1985 season and then for Bolton in 1985/1986 season.
I didn’t see Nick Burns the 7 footer who played for Worthing.
Steve Bontrager played for Kingston, not Crystal Palace
Barry porter
16 January 2017 at 15:35
What about Art Wearren who played for Sunderland in the 80’s