So what is Mike Shaft up to this Christmas holidays? Well it is certainly a busy period with broadcasting and Basketball at the fore.

Welcome to year 5 of the Capture The Cathedral Photographic Competition. And what a joy it was, once again, to join the judging panel of this wonderful competition. There were over 300 entries, and after much deliberations we, the judges, were able to come up with out 4 winners.

For almost all the years that I have been broadcasting online, I have used the same broadcast company - 'Radio.Co'. Recently, they launched their own DAB radio station in the Manchester area - 'MCR Live'.

During the Christmas period of 2016, Manchester Cathedral broadcast a radio station on DAB in the Manchester area. We were delighted with the station and talks are ongoing about the possibility of doing it again in 2017. This is one of our favourite interviews broadcast on the station.

The Dean of Manchester Cathedral is The Rt Rev Rogers Govinda. I have known the Dean for a number of years. Some months ago he invited me to join the Cathedral Council. I considered this an absolute honour. At the end of a recent meeting the Dean wondered why we could not have a Cathedral Radio Station. I answered " We could!" It was at this point that I was invited to "Make it happen". And make it happen we did.