Going Back To Paradise
- Comments: 1
After the hassle of the last few weeks getting all the documentation and testing that we needed to travel, the day finally dawned and we were off to London to spend a night in the Premier Inn at Gatwick.

Over the last few days we had not only to contend with “ Is Grenada going to stay Green? But also will we be able to get enough fuel to get to London and back?”.
Thankfully, Grenada is still on the green list but as we ventured further south we began to see signs on the motorway saying…No Fuel at such a service ahead. So this concern will have to go on the back burner and hopefully when we return it will be all sorted.
It was a bit surreal at the airport, after spending 18 months avoiding everyone, we were now queuing with a couple of hundred other people to check our bags in. Everyone had masks on though and it took us an hour to check in our suitcases, this was because, at first, BA only had two people on the desk.
Everything seems a bit of a blur as I look back now. I know we had to show our COVID vaccination credentials and proof we were allowed into Grenada and have health insurance cover but who we had to show this to and when we had to do these things I have no idea.
All I know is we passed with flying colours and we were in to Duty Free.
£100+ later we were looking for breakfast which we got at Prets… Cappuccino and a hot egg and bacon butty!
You may not know this but I have been dieting since April this year so this breakfast was Scrumptious! Goodness knows how many syns that was!
Our plane was boarding so a quick walk to get to our departure lounge and before we knew it we were sitting in our designated seats.
I’d chosen these seats a few weeks ago because of the leg room it afforded and its close proximity to toilets. We didn’t need to squeeze past the passenger on the outside seat to do anything but we had to keep the space in front of us clear because of the emergency exit door. So it was a bit of a pain having to go into the overhead lockers every time we wanted something and there was nowhere to store anything nearer.
The down side of sitting next to the toilets is that it was like sitting in Piccadilly train station at times!
That being said the flight was uneventful as flights go, we completed a Customs and Immigration form and had two meals whilst in flight, I also watched a film and read a lot. I couldn’t see out of any window but if Mike strained his neck he could.
Our neighbour in the outside seat was an Italian lady who had flown from Parma to London on Friday and stayed overnight before boarding our flight, her English was not great and my Italian is non existent so not much conversation but we did understand she was to visit with her son in Antigua for two months and she was now a grandmother.
You know when you meet a foreigner and they find out you are British they comment on Manchester United even though you may not have any connection to football, well Mike asked our neighbour to bring some Parma ham next time we meet!!!!
The flight stopped in Antigua for an hour, lots of people got off and some of the plane was sanitised as we had a few passengers getting on at that point. But as we got in the air again, the whole plane was then sprayed and it was suggested we cover our face and eyes.
No problem! Grenada here we come!
Photo From 2021 Trip
Getting off the plane in Grenada the heat hit me with my first step as we all traipsed into the Arrival hall. Screens were up and a team of appropriately dressed people were doing PCR tests on the arriving passengers. Showing our COVID vaccination credentials and signing up to agree to comply with COVID regulations we had a PCR test and carried on to Customs and through to get in our taxi.
Think the whole process took less than an hour.
Checked into True Blue resort and by this time I was sweltering under a thin wool sweater so this had to come off before I moved to be taken by a charming young man to our Cocoa Pod room which sits on the first floor facing the ocean, beach and pool, all within 100 yards.
Two days quarantine now, not allowed outside our front door with all meals being brought to us.
It’s 6.15 am here, we have been awake for a good hour as our body clock is still on UK time. Sitting on the balcony all I hear is the lapping of the waves and chattering of the birds.
I’m in heaven! I feel quite emotional! So lucky to be here!
Katie Crunch
Comments: 1
3 October 2021 at 17:53
Well just remember to bring some of that sunshine back. It looks like Paradise.