Nelson Mandela
A man who has been through so much yet remains so meak.
A real inspiration for our generation
Dawn Payne
Former presenter at Sunset Radio, Manchester.
Extremely talented and very professional, without doubt
someone to watch out for in the coming years.
James H Reeve
A fine broadcaster with a mind of his own.
An avid Manchester City fan who never gives up on his team.
Brian Redhead
Another one of my inspirations. Without doubt, one of the greatest broadcasters who ever lived.
Dr Mark Robinson
Mark is a former player for the Manchester Giants,
and the Sheffield Sharks. Recently got his Phd. A truly
amazing player with a great personalty.
He has stepped aside as Chairman of the
Basketball Players Association
and is an individual who demonstrates a
great love for the sport.
Ray Rose
A true friend. What Ray Rose doesn’t know about soul music is not
worth knowing and if you’d like to see him work, then check out
one of his regular gigs in the north west.
For many years Ray presented the awesome Radio programme
“The Sunday Night Experience”
on MFM 103.4 and 97.1 Sunday evenings 7.00pm – 10.00pm.
This show has now been taken off the air
Duncan Smith
1959 – 2001
Another real friend. This is a guy who always went out of his way to help you
Was part of the legendary Dream Team on Sunset Radio, and was a technical wizard with computers and music scheduling systems.
Oh yea! He was into great soul music as well.
What a guy!
Sir Garfield Sobers
One of the greatest cricketers who ever played the game.
Captained the West Indies through one of its very successful periods. Was in charge when cricket was still a gentleman’s game.
A player who would always walk if he knew he was out and one who would never question the umpire’s decision.
Once scored 6 sixes in one over and held the highest test score of 365 not out, for many many years
Betty Stove
A woman of grace and charm who was treated appallingly by so-called fans of women’s tennis in 1977. Betty made it to three Wimbledon finals of that year. Despite losing in all three, she left with her dignity intact.
Betty showed that there is more to playing sport than just winning!

Tiger Woods
Without doubt one of the greatest players
ever to play not only the game of golf, but sport as a whole.
A real gentleman who shows that sport can
be played with grace and dignity
Colin Walters
The Programme Controller who first put me on the air at Piccadilly Radio in 1978.
Another Radio professional in the UK and one who always had a talent for spotting presenters with something to offer.
Always very supportive and constructive, but a very demanding boss who had me in tears more than once.
Peter Weil
The Editor of Open Air who first gave me a job on television.
A real TV professional with a weird sense of humour
A woman who took on the broadcasting establishment in the States and won.
Tremendously successful television personality who has a heart.
Simply the best.
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