I received a CV from Dawn who at the time was based in London having just completed her degree at Kingston University.
She wrote to me to see if there was any possibility of a job as she wanted to get into the media. I asked her to come for an interview.
At that time we were based in temporary premises in the centre of Manchester and she arrived with one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen. 20 years on and the smile is still the same.
She was actually from Manchester which was a great bonus.
We spoke for ages as she explained why she wanted to work for Sunset Radio and for Mike Shaft.
She and her mum were listeners to my various shows over the years and they had followed my many efforts to establish an ethnic radio station in Manchester.
We talked about her interests and it became immediately clear that she was producer material and her love of the arts meant she was perfect to present our arts programme ‘The Art of It’.
Despite having no staff budget left, I signed her up on the spot.
And so Sunset was launched on the 22nd of October 1989 and while every show was a breath of fresh air to the radio listeners of Gt Manchester, Dawn Payne quickly became a star with her Arts programme, ‘The Art of It’ setting new standards for the radio station.
In the Sony Awards of, I think 1998, we received a special mention from the judges for the programme. It was one of our proudest moments.
On leaving Sunset some time later, Dawn was snapped up by the BBC where she became a Producer/Director working on a number of programmes.
She is now a freelance Producer/Director working on the ‘1 Show’ on BBC 1.
On mikeshaft.com some years ago I suggested that Dawn Payne was a star in the making and I am still of that view.
Dawn and I have remained the very best of friends over the years and I am delighted to pay her this tribute. From back in those Sunset days she has called me Leader and I am delighted that I was able to spot her talent in those very early days and to help her, in some small way, develop into one of the industry’s great potentials.
Something I had no hand in was her developing into one of the finest human beings that I know. That was down to her and her wonderful mum and I thank God for them both.
Mike Shaft
Bolton England
Originally Published 21st May 2012
Paul pugh
30 August 2019 at 00:47
Nice to see Dawn do so well. Loved our bus journeys going to Abraham Moss. Pughie
Russ Bates
8 July 2024 at 09:26
Always knew that Dawn would be a success. Spoke to her several times during her time at Sunset. A truly lovely person.