Bobby Kinzer
A Message To My Friend
By Renaldo Lawrence
Yo, Kevin Cadle, what’s up man?
I just thought I would let you know how I am feeling, my brother. I just wanted you to know that I miss you man and in some ways I know I’m being selfish but hey, my brother, I just miss you.

Karl Brown & John Tresvant
On Monday the 16th of October, God decided that it was time for you to come and run his team. It was time for you to come and put things in order in His Kingdom and be the lead commentator. I can see you now.

Alan Cunningham & Neil McKelvey
Well, my brother, I know God is right, I know he needed you but I just miss you.
I just miss, the thought of calling you and hearing you say, Yo, Ro, what’s up?
I just miss knowing that I could arrange a date where we could meet, have lunch or dinner and we would genuinely ask each other what was happening in our lives. And CARE about the answer. I just miss you, Kevin.
I know I’m being selfish here, but I just miss you. I miss you being able to tell me things that were really in your soul and seeing you always seemed lighter after our conversations.
Hey man, I went to the NFL game tonight at Twickenham Stadium and they celebrated your life, Kevin. Thousands of people were there to see and hear your voice on the big screen.
Your wife and daughter were on SKY TV, talking about you man.
Your wife and daughter are so strong Kevin and you would be so proud of them and how they are handling you not being here.
I spoke with both of them tonight Kevin, and although it is extremely hard, they are handling it man and I am so proud of them.

The Baker Boys
Kevin, you should have heard how loudly the crowd cheered for you. As I write this Kevin, tears are running down my face, because Kevin, I just miss you.
As I think of you, I remember the quiet moments we shared just talking about life and how much we wanted to accomplish. I remember laughing so much man about the stories you told me about your life and growing up and me literally crying because the stories were so funny.
It is crazy now Kevin because I can’t call you man, I cant laugh with you or tell you my issues or listen to yours. But I just know you are in a better place.
I know that you were smiling tonight Kevin and man I had an empty seat right by me at the game that I know you were there with me celebrating the game and your life.
Man, what a life Kevin. I am so proud of you as a man, brother, father, husband, friend, but most of all, as a human being.
Hey Kevin, I just miss you and LOVE you, man. For me, the thing that sustains me is that I told you that I love you.
Yo, Kevin………. . I Just miss you man, I just miss you.
Renaldo Lawrence
10 November 2017 at 20:54
Mike Kevin is laughing now and so proud of what you have done here. I appreciate it big time man and it was fantastic to see you my brother. As I have said to you before, you have always been so kool with me, so kool.
On behalf of Kevin man we appreciate ya.
Renaldo and KC!