At the end of a meeting back in 2016, The Dean asked me why we couldn’t have a Cathedral Radio station.
I told him we could. So he says “Well make it happen then.”
And so it was that we launched a pop-up station on DAB in the Manchester area in the run-up to Christmas 2016. We were on the air for 6 weeks and provided some wonderful entertainment including, interviews, testimonies, bible readings, great gospel music and a whole lot more.
During the summer of 2017 we were contacted by FLAME CCR who were launching on DAB in Manchester, about the possibility of providing a 2-hour programme each week for them.
And so began another wonderful journey.
Our next programme will be our 9th and features a report-back on the Cathedral’s Climate Change Conference, including interviews, presentations and wonderful music.
You can listen to Manchester Cathedral Radio every Sunday evening at 22:00 on FLAME CCR on DAB in Manchester, on medium wave in the Chester and Wirral areas and of course online around the world.
Our listen-again facilities can be accessed via the Manchester Cathedral website.
We do hope you enjoy our programming.
Listen Live to Manchester Cathedral Radio on FLAME CCR via TuneIn Radio
(Sunday evenings 22:00 – 24:00)

Rev Kevin Tyson
Listen Again to Manchester Cathedral Radio on Mixcloud
(Includes all previous shows)

From Cathedral News October 2017
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