The Dean of Manchester Cathedral is The Rt Rev Rogers Govinda. I have known the Dean for a number of years. Some months ago he invited me to join the Cathedral Council. I considered this an absolute honour. At the end of a recent meeting the Dean wondered why we could not have a Cathedral Radio Station. I answered " We could!" It was at this point that I was invited to "Make it happen". And make it happen we did.
On the 1st of December 2016, we launched MCR – Manchester Cathedral Radio on DAB in Central Manchester and around the world online. The station would run over the Christmas period and cease broadcasting on the 5th of January 2017 at 18:00.
We took the decision that the music on MCR-Manchester Cathedral Radio will be mainly Christmas songs with some inspirational, (non Christmas) songs added to the mix. I suggested that there would also be plenty of Gospel music, old and new.
We would include spoken Features on the station including, Coming To Faith, What Christmas means to me, A Daily Thought, A Live broadcast of possibly the Evensong on a daily basis. Interviews with different individuals from the Christian Community of Gtr Manchester and beyond.
Not everything came to pass but we did include most of what we promised.
On this page I an going to include some of the awesome music that we featured on MCR – Manchester Cathedral Radio.
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