4th January 1990
Dear Mike Shaft,
I am writing to thank Sunset Radio and yourself for the wonderful experience of spending a week in Montego Bay with Marilyn Comrie, where not only did I have the opportunity to meet Stevie Wonder and Smokey Robinson, who I have idolised for yours, but also to be actively involved in interviews and recordings.
It is now quite hard to believe that two months ago I was busily preparing a tape on Black Music – so much seems to have happened since then.
Since my return and subsequent involvement with the Motown Christmas Special, I feel that I have discovered in myself an ability in communication which I would like to develop.
I listened to you on the ‘Streetwise Christmas Special’ and I am most definitely ‘chasing my dreams’.
So far I have made enquiries and would be grateful if you have any advice to offer regarding courses which would prepare and make me best qualified for radio journalism. I have 2 A-Levels and 6 O-Levels and therefore meet most entry requirement for College.
Finally, now that I have established a link with Sunset I am determined to keep it, and would of course be interested in working for Sunset if the opportunity arises.
I will always be available for any work on a voluntary basis which you may be able to offer.
Hopefully in this way I will be able to make the most from the opportunity given to me.
Thank you once again.
Yours sincerely
Angela Clarke.

Read the full story of Sunset Radio

Read the Sunset response to the Government Green Paper on Radio

Read the story of John Lancaster and his great assistance to Sunset Radio
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